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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Podcast Experiment

The good news is that I have gotten the edits back from my editor, so the book is really moving along. The bad news is that it is the second week of a semester where I am teaching two classes, and there seem to be an unusually high number of extra-curricular engagements this month, not to mention days when the kids are off from school. (I, for one, am hoping it doesn't snow too much.) So in the interest of trying to stay calm, I am going to take a break from blogging for a few weeks, but not before I announce my very first podcast! I interviewed two of the nine Philadelphia Friends who traveled to India in November. Please click over here to listen to our conversation and to subscribe to future podcasts, if you like that sort of thing. (While you are there, feel free to offer feedback on my newly designed website, which I’m still polishing. I'd also love feedback on the podcast itself.)

Podcasting is an experiment for me. I am going to do at least one more—an interview with the authors of Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the Myth of Racial Justice, which is being launched next week in Philadelphia. I’m enthused about that book’s potential to spur a wider conversation among Friends about race, so I’m hoping people will check that interview out when it is posted in a few weeks. If you haven’t already, please consider signing up for the site feed so you will receive a notice when I post here again.

Peace out, as they say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An excellent first outing in the world of podcasting! Your interview questions were thoughtful, and mostly the sound quality was good. Carolyn's voice dropped sometimes to an inaudible level, but that's the way she speaks. I wonder if some different system of mic'ing might alleviate that.

Anyway, a good way to use the medium, I thought. I hope you do more.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Imperfect Serenity said...

Thanks, Phil. There is a way to adjust volume at different points throughout. Guess that's something to work on.

2:54 PM  

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