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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Abundance and Scarcity

Once a year, my friend Melissa Haertsch gets me to write a poem for a poetry/visual art collaboration she organizes. This year's theme is water, and here is this year's result:

Abundance and Scarcity

Lake Seneca is full,
like the septic tank,
so we wash with dribbles
and flush sparingly

while neighbors spray
the suburban carpet
that has replaced wetlands
outside Milwaukee.

Hindus worship the sacred
Ganges polluted by Coke,
as villagers protest
their thirst.

The view from space
reveals undivided blue,
expansive but salty—
the cause of future wars.


Blogger Lone Star Ma said...

Muy depressing....but true. And well-crafted.

5:04 PM  

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