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Friday, June 27, 2008

Good News

It's been a wonderful week, visiting three different groups of friends, catching up on news, reviewing the year, enjoying nature. From northern Pennsylvania we went to the Finger Lakes, to the clear, cold waters of Skaneateles (pronounced Skinny-atlas). I only mustered the courage to go swimming twice. (Ice water is not my favorite habitat.) My children, of course, felt differently. They have plunged into everything with gusto. My vegetarian, animal-rights-supporting daughter even caught an impressive bass when I wasn't looking. My son has ventured further in the kayak this year, confirming what I wrote last week about the importance of giving them freedom in nature.

I had to push out of my mind the fact that I would have a long To-do list when I arrived home for a day before leaving for FGC Gathering. But so far that is going smoothly. Our Prius arrived as we were driving home yesterday, and the pickup went smoothly. The salesman tells me there is now a six to nine month wait for them, so although ours came a month after it was promised, I guess our timing worked out after all.


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